Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Faithful Unto Death

Faithful Unto Death

Chip's short devotional below makes one think. Do we plan daily to be an overcomer and be faithful. I was thinking about this and I do believe I am willing. The reason I think anyone would be willing to lay their life down is because they have come to truely know Jesus Christ and He is their first love. You would do anything for your first love.
Plow on, plow on...David


By Chip Brogden

"Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life... he that overcomes will not be hurt by the second death" (Revelation 2:10b,11b).

The Crown of Life comes to those who lose their life daily in order to gain His Life daily. Overcomers cannot be hurt by death because they have already died - not once, but thousands of times: taking up the Cross daily, denying Self, and following the Lord. Thus, the highest call is not to lay down our physical life as a martyr, but to lay down our Self life as a disciple. We can lay down our physical life in an instant, but to take up the Cross daily is the truest test, and much more difficult. It requires us to be "faithful unto death". This is the secret of the Overcomers.
